
The E-Vent Blog

A creative space to encourage creative people
ben-white-131245-unsplash | Shhh Put A Lid On It

Shhh Put A Lid On It

In 2016, Forbes Magazine published an article about oversharing and asked, “how much is too much?” when it comes to oversharing.   Back in the day, we knew how to keep private stuff private.  However, with the insurgence of social media and reality TV, the lines of what to “have, hold and keep” sometimes becomes entangled with our personal seek to be liked, accepted and numbered among  the “IN” crowd.  Where do we draw the line?

I know I’m not the only one who has gotten caught up in the crossroads of saying too much.  So watch this video to learn about my own personal “ah ha” moment finding the balance between the two.  Perhaps  it will help you too!

Here’s a tip:

Before you share, think about your reasons and consider how others may be impacted!

In the meantime, Be YOU Beloved, because everyone else is already taken!

With Gratitude,

LaWanda Will B LaWanda…Always!


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