
The E-Vent Blog

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wei-ding-1094896-unsplash | Victim Shaming Stinks

Victim Shaming Stinks!

Victim Shaming has been on the rise lately.  We hear more and more stories about influential people using their power to take advantage of another so much that its beginning to dominate our media.  Cases like Harvey Weinstein, Matt Lauer, Bill Cosby, and now singer R. Kelly are leaving us shaking our heads in utter disbelief as we try to make sense of some very disturbing and hard to digest accusations against people we actually like.  That makes it really easy to turn a skeptical eye toward the accusers and assume the worst about someone who may just be telling the truth.  I know, it’s really hard not to prematurely judge motives since we live in such a litigious culture, but we’ve got to exercise better discernment before we quickly judge others and crucify them in the court of public opinion.

Watch this weeks video on Victim Shaming here

It’s easy to cast judgment when you have not walked a mile in someone else’s shoes and I think its high time we get our compassion back for victims of crime and allow them to come of the shadows of shame if they choose to.  What I am saying this week is that we simply need to stop pointing fingers and let victims speak freely and accusers have their day in court before we start taking sides.

Remember this…

Even a thin slice of bologna has two sides!


Please let us all, dust off our compassion meters and stop all this victim shaming. Be there for someone in need.  Our world will be better off because of it.


In the meantime, Be YOU Beloved, because everyone else is already taken!

LaWanda Will B LaWanda…Always!



Don’t forget to visit our webpage to learn more about Plan Ahead Events South Florida corporate event management services.  We would love to plan something for you.

If you or anyone you know is a victim of domestic violence or assault, please contact our friends at The National Domestic Violence Hotline today for help.

Photo by Wei Ding on Unsplash

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